The create_role operator creates a specified role. Available only in the Enterprise Edition.
SciDB security mode must be correctly configured before this or any security operator can be used. See the /wiki/spaces/SD/pages/242909404 section of the /wiki/spaces/SD/pages/241041535.
create_role( 'roleName' )
roleName: The name of the role to create, enclosed in single quotes. The criteria for valid role names are the same as for valid usernames. See create_user.
- A role is a binding between a set of users (the role membership) and a set of access rights (the role permissions).
- Each role may contain one or more users.
- Each role may contain access rights to one or more namespaces.
- The namespace access rights are: Create, List, Read, Update, and Delete.
- The create_role operator lets you create specified roles to which you can add users and access rights.
- Creating roles requires operator privileges. However, the special roles admin and operator can only be created by the scidbadmin user.
When you create a user account, SciDB automatically creates a role of the same name containing that user as the lone member of the role.
iquery --auth-file <root_login_authentication_file> "create_user('John', 'John_Password'); -- Create user John with password John_Password" iquery --auth-file <root_login_authentication_file> "create_role('Engineering'); -- Create a new role called Engineering" iquery --auth-file <root_login_authentication_file> "add_user_to_role('John', 'Engineering'); -- Add John to the role Engineering" iquery --auth-file <root_login_authentication_file> "drop_user_from_role('John', 'Engineering'); -- Remove John from the role Engineering" iquery --auth-file <root_login_authentication_file> "drop_role('Engineering'); -- Remove the role Engineering" iquery --auth-file <root_login_authentication_file> "drop_user('John'); -- Remove the user John"
, multiple selections available,