
The show_user_permissions operator shows all permissions belonging to the specified user.  Available only in the Enterprise Edition.

SciDB security mode must be correctly configured before this or any security operator can be used.  See the Security section of the SciDB Administration Guide.


show_user_permissions( 'userName' )

show_user_permissions( )


  • userName – Name of the user whose associated access rights are to be shown.  If no user name is given, the show the permissions of the current user.


The  show_user_permissions operator shows all of the permissions held by a particular user.  Any user may see their own permissions, but you must have operator privilege to see the permissions of other users.


User ted has operator privileges, and because he is a member of role uploader he also has create and update privileges for the apples and oranges namespaces.

AFL% show_user_permissions('ted');
{i} user,role,entity,name,permissions
{0} 'ted','operator','database','',''
{1} 'ted','uploader','namespace','apples','cu'
{2} 'ted','uploader','namespace','oranges','cu'