
The show_role_permissions operator shows the permissions of the specified role within the specified namespace. Available only in the Enterprise Edition.

SciDB security mode must be correctly configured before this or any security operator can be used.  See the Security section of the SciDB Administration Guide.


show_role_permissions( 'roleName' [, 'entityType', 'entityName'] )

show_role_permissions( 'roleName' [, namespaceName] )


In the first form, all input parameters are string literals enclosed in single quotes.

  • roleName – Name of the role whose associated access rights are to be shown.
  • The other parameters are optional, but if one is supplied then both most be supplied:
    • entityType – Type of entity.  Must be 'namespace' (or equivalently, 'ns').
    • entityName – Name of an entity whose access permissions are selected for display from among all role permissions.

In the second form, an unquoted namespaceName is recognized as entity type 'namespace'.


The  show_role_permissions operator shows all or some of the permissions associated with the specified role.  To show permissions for all of a user's roles, use show_user_permissions.


The role experimenter includes access rights for several namespaces.  To only show the rights for one namespace, specify it with additional entity type and entity name arguments.

AFL% show_role_permissions('experimenter');
{i} entity,name,permissions
{0} 'namespace','compounds','clrud'
{1} 'namespace','samples','lr'
{2} 'namespace','trials','clru'
AFL% show_role_permissions('experimenter', 'ns', 'samples');
{i} entity,name,permissions
{0} 'namespace','samples','lr'