add_attributes is a DDL operator that adds one or more attributes to an existing array.
add_attributes( array, schema_definition );
This operator allows the user to add additional attributes to an array f in-place without creating a new copy of f.
Add Attribute
AFL% store(build(<z:uint64>[i=0:0:0:1],i),f); AFL% add_attributes(f, <y:int64>); AFL% scan(a); {i} z,y {0} 0,null
This will populate the newly created attribute y on array f with null.
Add Attribute with Default Value
AFL% store(build(<z:uint64>[i=0:0:0:1],i),f); AFL% add_attributes(f, <y:int64 default 32768>); AFL% scan(f); {i} z,y {0} 0,31768
This will populate the newly created attribute y on array f with the default value 32768.