
 The dimensions operator lists array dimensions.




The argument to the dimensions operator is the name of an array. It returns an array with one row per dimension, and the following attributes for each dimension:

  • name
  • start index
  • length
  • chunk size
  • chunk overlap
  • low boundary index
  • high boundary index
  • data type

 The argument named_array must be a previously-created and stored array in SciDB.


To create an array with three dimensions, do the following:

AFL% CREATE ARRAY array1 <val:double>[i=0:1999:0:100; j=1:10:2; k=-20:20];

Dimension i has chunk overlap of zero and chunk size of 100.  Dimension j has an overlap of two, and the chunk size is left unspecified.  Dimension k specifies neither chunk overlap nor chunk size.

AFL% dimensions(array1);  

The output is:

{No} name,start,length,chunk_interval,chunk_overlap,low,high,type
{0} 'i',0,2000,100,0,4611686018427387903,-4611686018427387903,'int64'
{1} 'j',1,10,-1,2,4611686018427387903,-4611686018427387903,'int64'
{2} 'k',-20,41,-1,0,4611686018427387903,-4611686018427387903,'int64'