The load_module operator loads a module text file containing user-defined macros.
The load_module operator loads a SciDB module file. A module is text file containing a collection of user-defined macros. Before invoking load_module(), only system macros are available. After invoking load_module(), both system macros and the macros you loaded are available.
Note the following:
- The contents stay in memory until you restart SciDB, whereupon you must reload them.
- Once loaded, the user-defined macros become globally available to all subsequent queries evaluated on the SciDB cluster.
- Any call of load_module invalidates previously loaded user-defined macros, even if the particular macro is not defined in the newly loaded file.
- System macros are not affected by the load_module() operator.
- A macro named m hides any existing identically named applicable entity in the system, including operators, functions, and their user defined counterparts (UDO's and UDF's), and other macros.
Create a module file /tmp/my_module.txt that contains the following user-defined macro:
/** * Return the Euclidean distance between the two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). */ distance(x1,y1,x2,y2) = sqrt(sq(x2-x1) + sq(y2-y1)) where { sq(x) = x * x; };
Load the module:
AFL% load_module('/tmp/my_module.txt');
Verify that the macro loads:
AFL% filter(list('macros'), name='distance');
The output is:{No} name,type {0} 'distance','distance(x1,y1,x2,y2)'
Use the user-defined macro:
AFL% build(<v:double>[i=0:2; j=0:2], distance(i,i,j,j));
The output is:{i,j} v {0,0} 0 {0,1} 1.41421 {0,2} 2.82843 {1,0} 1.41421 {1,1} 0 {1,2} 1.41421 {2,0} 2.82843 {2,1} 1.41421 {2,2} 0
Unload the module, by loading an empty module:
AFL% load_module('/dev/null');
Verify the removal of the user-defined macro:
AFL% filter(list('macros'), name='distance');
The output is:{No} name,type
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